Wednesday, August 11, 2010

"Ramadan Reminders" Yusuf Estes

Ascertain the Truth?

Celebrating Birthdays?

ALLAH guides whom HE wills

Always Wash Hands?

We have to follow Muhammad (peace be upon him)!

The Number 13?

Belief in Books of GOD..

Why is this happening to me?

Miracle at the time of Prophet Saleh(pbuh)

Predestination of GOD?

Do not eat pork, Do not drink alcohol?

What Jerusalem means?

Doubt about Hadiths?

No longer Serves the Purpose

How can I call people to something I don't have?

Sincerity or Showing off?

Misrepresenting Religion?

Calling to what is Good and forbading what is Evil?

Comparison of This Life and Next Life?

How to Relieve after Eating?

Get up in the Night for Special Prayers

Women are not equal to Men

The Train is Coming!

Cause I am a Scientist!

What is Dawah?

The Signs?

Do not even Scratch a person's Dignity

Touching Quran?

Singularity of ALLAH

Do a Good Deed to make up for a Bad Deed

Shyness part of Islam

Living a Dual Life?

Rational thinking?

Get Married!

Women are tricked into False Believings?

Evidence of Human evolving from Apes?

Islam always Worked!

Hebrew, Aramaic, Arabic languages are all related?

Two Seas?

Muslims are the one brought up the Science?

Celebrating Christmas?

Denmark: Freedom to Speech or Freedom to Lie?

Which Group?

The Logos?


The King's Got No Clothes!

Is using Misbaha (Prayer Beads For Tasbeeh) Bidah?

What is more easy to wear, Hijab or Beard?

Satan is Active!

Scientists accept Intelligent Design over Evolution

Why Men and Women are Segregated?

Countries where Atheism is prevalent has the highest Suicide rate?

Eating meat Slaughtered by Non Muslims?

Meaning of Kafir and Jihad?

Deeply in Love?

Wonderful Azan by Sheikh Yusuf Estes

What Jerusalem means?

Who are the Poor People?

Real picture of Muhammad (peace be upon him)...

This World is a Prison for the Believers And Paradise for the Non Believers

Do We Love ALLAH or Love ourselves?

A Coin has always two Sides


Limitation of choosing Wives in Islam?

Medical Benefits of Fasting three days in every month

Is it forbidden to have a Girlfreind?

We did not give One Excuse!

Give him another Chance?

Why dont you Count your Sins?

Wake Up!

We came from Monkeys?

Limitation of having Wives in Islam?

Wanna know how Scientific News Channels can get?

Wanna know why you are Created?

Wanna talk about Fairy Tales?

Wanna talk about Barbarians?

Wanna talk about Sufferings?

ISLAM does not mean Peace?

How You treat your Parents, is how your Children will treat You!

Do not Mistreat your Parents!

Islam teachings of Serving Parents?

Who is GOD?

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh),a Mercy to the Worlds...

Falsehood attributed to Quran :

Can the World today survive without Faith?

Islam is more Modern than any way of Life!

Moses(pbuh) and Pharaoh in the Bible & Quran!

Is Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) made out of Light?

Can one Kill an animal if it is in pain or suffering?

Calling all 73 Sects of Muslims to?

Islam makes one closer to Jesus(pbuh)?

Belief in GOD...


ISLAM is the best product on Earth and we are its worst Salesmen...

Hygiene in Islam

Always Sit Down, when you Eat or Drink?

Websites attacking Islam!

Resuscitation or Euthanasia?

A person calling to Islam is like a Farmer!

You Don't know my Heart!

Do Muslims have to wear Hijab?

American Public School ...

Why do Muslims worship the Black Box in the Desert?

How could Earth be created in 6 days?

Auctioning your Kids?

Before the Whale consumes Us?

Worshiping someone or something along with ALLAH?

God makes them do that!

Adhan by Sheik Yusuf Estes

Hard time saying 3 words, I Dont Know!

Why Quran say kill all Christians and Jews where you find them?

Beautiful Women?

Rush Hour?

How many people Embraced Islam after September 11, 2001?

Words that save from Hell-Fire?

Repeat three times!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Quit Cutting Beard!

Sheik Yusuf Estes advice Muslims to quit cutting beard in order to fulfill an important Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) . This part is taken from the Questions & Answers Session form the Lecture "Priests & Preachers Entering Islam" by Yusuf Estes brought by IISNA.

Muslims loves Jesus(pbuh)

Sheik Yusuf Estes tells about only Muslims and Christians are the one who believe in Jesus (pbuh). This segment is taken from his Lecture New Muslims Future Steps' in Fresno, CA. Events that took place on July 12th, 13th 2007.

Picking up from TV ...

Sheik Yusuf Estes describes about the effect or adaption that Childrens as well as Adults from TV. This part is taken from the lecture "Our Children Our Future" by Yusuf Estes as shown on Peave TV

Did you open his Heart and Look?

Sheik Yusuf Estes tells us about knowing one's faith in Islam i.e. whether he is a True Muslim or not in his lecture 'Can Islam Still work in today's world' shown on Peace TV.

Does Argument or Debating works?

Sheik Yusuf Estes advice Muslims to avoid argument or debating or cutting down others rather than doing Dawaah politely in the day and praying in the nights for them. This part is taken from the Questions & Answers Session form the Lecture "Priests & Preachers Entering Islam" by Yusuf Estes brought by IISNA.

Predestination of GOD?

Sheik Yusuf Estes gives the clear definition of Predestination of ALLAH which is the sixth article of faith and remove misconception about fate. . This part is taken from 'Raising Children in the West' a lecture of Sheik Yusuf Estes that took place on July 12th, 13th 2007 Fresno.

Scaring people away from Mosques...

Sheik Yusuf Estes explains about the attitudes given to Youth when they came to Mosques and are doing something wrong. This segment is taken from 'Muslim Youth in Todays Society' telecast on Peace TV, Vision of Islam 2008 held at Chennai.

Rocket Science in Quran...

Sheik Yusuf Estes explore the Scientific Miracles of Holy Quran about Rocket ship which requires massive energy to leave Earth's atmosphere. This part is taken from his speech 'Proof of God' shown on Peace TV: Vision of Islam 2008 held at Chennai, India.

Friday, January 22, 2010

It is GOD (ALLAH) that guides not us...

Sheik Yusuf Estes explains about the Authority of Guidance in the program 'Peace Mission' shown on Peace TV.

End of Days!

Sheik Yusuf Estes tells about the End of Days in accordance of Quran and Hadith during his lecture 'Clearing Misconceptions' recorded at Preston Mosque.

The Enemy Within!

Sheik Yusuf Estes explains the resultant of meaningless disputes among the Muslims during his lecture 'Can Islam Still work in today's world' shown on Peace TV.

Muslim Butt......

Sheik Yusuf Estes explains the essentials of being a True Muslim Believer and giving dawah in his lecture 'Worship the Creator not the Creation' shown on Peace TV.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Best Love Story, Earth has ever seen.....

Sheik Yusuf Estes comprehensively describes about the marriage of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Ayesha (RA) and the love and devotion that they both share in this world and hereafter. This segment is taken from the lecture 'Lifting the Fog with Yusuf Estes : The Treatment of Women in Islam' as shown on HUDA TV.

Who do you Worship?

Sheik Yusuf Estes analysis what we are worshiping nowadays. This part is taken from his lecture 'Worship the Creator not the Creation' shown on Peace TV.